The goal of Investing City’s premium membership is to help you save time and boost your returns in the stock market.
Here are your resources to make that goal a reality (links are below the paywall and we’ve also included our financial analysis course at no extra cost):
Transparent Portfolio (highly concentrated and long-term)
1,000+ Company Research Database (benefit from thousands of hours)
Slack Community (ask questions and join a like-minded group)
Weekly Updates (every Friday)
And to quickly give you an idea about the portfolio, it’s concentrated on companies with a focus on the long-term. Out of the 6 we own right now, all of them are founder-led and each one has a very strong balance sheet. Our philosophy centers around growth, quality and valuation, trying to maximize the first two and minimize the last one. We maniacally seek to understand these companies but are also constantly flipping rocks. Our whole process will be available to you as a premium subscriber. Think of it like research-as-a-service.